Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Posts of note

My blogging time has been somewhat restricted in the last few days. Nevertheless, other blogs have been producing some really great material. (In other words, all I'm doing here is pointing at what other have done, cos my own creative-juices have been drained dry by hours of cold and in-depth exegesis of 1 Thessalonians. My 'New Perspective' posts have been postponed until I'm done with 1 Thess. Believe me, it may only be a small letter, but the number of cans of worms waiting to be unexpectedly opened by the unwary exegete is truly frightening)

  1. Ben Myers has been summarising Barth's entire Church Dogmatics – a single sentence summary for each volume! Really worth a read, and these are a series of posts I will want to return to from time to time.
  2. Alastair of Adversaria, a relatively new discovery, has been posting on Newbigin, Umberto Eco and a varia of other themes.
  3. Mike Bird has been posting some really useful book reviews.
  4. Scot McKnight has been ruffling a few 'Conservative feathers', which is always fun to read, both here and here. I remain unconvinced, however, that he should carry on writing sentences with either authority or identity forming (in relation to scripture), as such formulations tend to go further than he wants to, as becomes clear when he is forced to explain things.
  5. The lost message's New Method of Evangelism post has gotten even funnier,
  6. and, well, honestly many more beside. Just go through my recently added 'blog roll'.

Tomorrow I'll be offering my most boring post yet for which I apologise in advance.


At 12/07/2005 3:38 AM, Blogger T.B. Vick said...

ok, you open up the cans, and I'll wait here patiently for you to put all the worms back in and get back here to posting on that 'New Perspective' series.

; )

At 12/09/2005 7:07 AM, Blogger Chris Tilling said...

Thanks for waiting! But there are a lot of worms ...


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