Thursday, April 19, 2007

Quote of the day

"New creation is precisely that future of the present world, of all created reality, which does not emerge from the history of this world but will be given to it by God. It requires an originating act of God, just as creation in the beginning did, but in this case it will be an act which preserves the identity of the first creation while creatively transforming it"

(Bauckham and Hart, Hope against Hope, cited in Marianne Meye Thompson's brilliant new two horizons commentary, Colossians & Philemon, 78)


Friday, March 23, 2007

Quote for the Day

‘[M]uch evangelical eschatology, dominated as it is by dispensational premillennialism, fails the test of evangelicalism’s own passion that it should above everything else be all about Jesus Christ. Here, whatever judgment one makes about Barth’s Christology, his posture seems right: eschatology too must be about Jesus Christ’
(John Bolt in Karl Barth and Evangelical Theology: Convergences and Divergences [Carlisle: Paternoster, 2006], 216)

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