Help! Blogger are going to shut me down!
Being the quick cookie I am, I only just realised that Blogger are closing down ftp webhosting blog support on the 1st of May. That means, this blog will no longer function!
While I have been away from blogging for a while, I was planning to get back into things this spring, so I'm not quite sure what to do. I would prefer to keep my blog here, and have all my old posts online (with comments) – perhaps I could use another programme like Wordpress, but that doesn't support personal domain publishing, nor will comments export over.
Any suggestions?
Hi, I've been subscribing for a while - don't think I've commented before - Wordpress will import all your comments.
With a built in "import from blogger" function.
Hi Nathan,
Unfortunately, Wordpress doesn't seem to recognise Chrisendom (I think because it is on a private domain). Do you know any solutions?
Chris, [not .com] should be able to accommodate you. You might consider emailing someone over there to see how it's all done.
Also, you might consider asking Doug Chaplin or Joel Watts if they can offer some insight since I know (or at least I think) they've both self-hosted with a blog.
I host a few wordpress blogs on my site. should import the blogger content. I could probably help you with some things, Chris, so feel free to send me an email.
You can see Blogger encerra publicação de blogs via FTP, and O processo de migração do blog passo a passo. There are links in English.
Chris, is the best way to go, however, you can transfer your domain name to for a small fee. - you pay for hosting and domain name. (I pay about $100 a year, but I have lots of server space and several domains. I'm vain.) - you can use their free hosting service (which is limited, meaning you cannot put java scripts on your site, etc... but it doesn't prevent you from blogging) and pay I think 1o or 15 bucks for them using your domain name. If you look at Rodney's site, you'll see what I mean
He is using the free service, but paying the small fee for the usage of the domain name.
If you need any help, I would be more than happy to do it for just below the price of nothing. Something like -.34
It's easy to switch the blog away from FTP publishing to publishing on blogger. It will keep all the posts and comments. The only thing that is a bit of a pain is that the links within the texts of posts to your own materials will, of course, no longer work. When I switched over my NT Gateway blog, which was an FTP blogger set up, to a blogger blog, it took a couple of minutes, and there were thousands of posts. So I would just press ahead if I were you, without worrying.
I like WordPress too, and use of for the NT Gateway. But you could always migrate there in due course. I'd just encourage the straight switch over on blogger itself.
I am in the same situation you are. I have decided to move to WordPress. This means that I may need some help from Joel Watts or Brandon.
Claude Mariottini
I just migrated my blog over to Wordpress and it was not difficult at all. However, I did have to go back and edit posts with graphics so that they would look right in Wordpress.
Script to migrate your site without changing the name, or losing non-blogger files, or losing any scripting support:
THANK YOU one and all, this is most helpful.
Chris, let me know if I can help. I think Mark's point is a good one in the short term while you explore what you want your future use to be.
Most hosts (if you decide to pay for hosting) come with a one click install of Wordpress, although I'd recommend following the relatively simple instructions to install your own via ftp.
If you're looking at a host, it's worth looking at the smaller ones. Our parish site is hosted with Prime Hosting. Clayboy uses Both are good value in different ways.
You do have the tricky question of whether you want to keep a German domain name.
Thanks, Doug, I may well be in touch. Thanks or your help.
I have a dumb question: what is ftp publishing? I can't find an answer I can understand on the Internet. I have a standard Blogger blog ... I have no special private domain. Will I be affected by this? And what is the advantage of ftp publishing?
I appreciate any help.
Your blog will not be affected because you have a blogspot domain. However, check in your dashboard under publishing, if it does not say that you are publishing via FTP, you are not affected.
Claude Mariottini
"Any suggestions?"
Tell everyone you're bored with blogging, delete this blog, and start another one.
I know. Crazy. But it just might work.
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