Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Caption Competition

Jim West was clever enough to post a picture of himself on his blog yesterday, as a young 23 year old. Given his recent malicious rejoicing about the results of some stupid internet linguistic analysis programme (which apparently rated my blog as Junior High level reading), I thought it fitting to dedicate this caption competition to his picture.

As West wrote: ‘I do think it’s funny that Tilling’s blog comes up at a Junior High level. None of us needed a random computer program to tell us that…’. In light of this unspeakable impertinence, please submit the best caption you can think of for this picture. Nothing will be deleted from the comments (unless it fails to exercise suitable revenge on West):

My suggestion:

“Cher, just minutes after her operation, looks in the mirror and has second thoughts”

The winner will be selected in the next few days and will win a bottle of CTRVHM Holy Phlegm (smear on body to cure all sickness and deliver from all demons).*

* Post and package not included


Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Guess the Biblical Scholar II and Bauckham responds

Richard Bauckham has written a response to some of the comments on his guest post on the alleged ‘Jesus family tomb’. I will be posting that later today.

Until then, can anyone guess the identity of the biblical scholar giving this lecture? It should be no problem this time for various reasons. The video clip, in which my rucksack and the floor make an unwanted 2 second cameo appearance, is only 20 seconds long.


Monday, March 05, 2007

We have a winner!

A certain Michael was the first to guess correctly. Well done! The video clip in the previous post was of none other than Cambridge University’s Prof. William Horbury. I recorded this clip at the Tübingen Uni celebration of Martin Hengel’s 80th birthday.

I said I was being a bit sneaky; the language he spoke in was not his native English tongue but rather German. Indeed, Prof. Horbury was bold enough to deliver his entire address in German - and he did a decent job too.

Prof. Horbury is a very highly respected scholar with an enviable breadth and depth of knowledge. His works are undeniably of the highest quality, even if I disagree with some of it (I have had a fair bit of engagement with his work on early Christian Christology with which I take issue).

Do give him a read, for example his Jewish Messianism and the Cult of Christ and his recent Herodian Judaism & New Testament Study.


Sunday, March 04, 2007

Competition: Guess the Biblical Scholar

My thanks to Richard Bauckham for an extremely stimulating guest post. It has proved to be the most popular post ever on Chrisendom with literally thousands reading it in just a couple of days. Someone could think that this indicates that people are more interested in reading what Richard has to say than me! Which is nonsense of course.

*Bursts into tears again*

Today I offer something a little more light-hearted. Earlier this afternoon I uploaded the short video clip below to youtube. Admittedly, as shall become clear, I’m being a bit sneaky, but can you guess the identity of the biblical scholar giving the lecture?

The first to answer correctly will receive a free subscription to the Chris Tilling For President/Pope Fan Club, together with the free membership badge, pen, T-Shirt, bedroom poster (of me in a leotard), a signed copy of my autobiography (How to be Like Me and Why It’s Important) and the most recent newsletter with information about my upcoming lecturing tours, Chinese Burn self defence lessons and details about how you can generously financially support Chris Tilling Really Very Holy Ministries so that you don’t end up in hell. You know you want to win.

Or click http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Mv-ivuh460.
