Creative Ministry Method of the Day
Here is a memorable ministry idea to brighten up your Sunday services, and one bound to keep your flock alert and engaged. It is all the more effective as it is of ‘the Holy Spirit told me ...’ variety. Yes, I'm talking about the 'anointed preacher kick in the Christian's face' manoeuvre.
The wimps on the Methodist blog, connexions, are all upset at Todd’s behaviour. But over here in Southern Germany, I think it is fair to say that a broken nose and a split lip is evidence of a rousing service. Especially if the meeting was ‘ecumenical’. Nothing like the inner release of slamming a chair across your brother head, especially if you came to church tense. And was it not Charles Wesley who once penned the memorable stanza: ‘Smack him with the Hymnal, and if that doesn’t work, try the edge of the church bible’?
I actually know very little about Todd Bentley, and I'd be interested to hear what people think about his ministry and his quite astonishing healing claims. It all sounds rather Smith Wigglesworthian!
Apparently he watched a lot of the old timey pentecostal preachers - hence the fake accent that drives me up the wall. I have a parishoner who went off to intern with this guy. So I did look into him a bit, I'd put him in the "shut up and just pray for people" category (like Benny Hinn). I read his horrible book on healing, a rewash of Pentecostal covenental theology.
now then, let's get this guy in a ring with Mark Driscoll and see who is the biggest man... and therefore the most Christ-like, obviously.
I like it when he says: "As soon as my boot made contact with her face, she fell under the power of the Spirit." Bloody hell, I bet she did!
I went to his website, Chris, and is appears that he actually has a school. It's called the "Supernatural Training Centre" and I am sure they could use a good NT scholar. So perhaps when you get that doctorate completed, you could put in an application!
This is where one can end up when the toss out the altar and usher in the band instruments. It's all about... 'me'.
Thanks for the laugh, Ben!!
does he preface his talks by saying, 'kids, don't try this at home?'
the laughing that nervous laughter, or roller ball laughter?
Hey! Who are you calling wimps! Come over here and say that -- we could minister to one another! On second thoughts, I'll let my friend Kim do the ministering...
A friend of mine, Andy Renshaw, has done a frame by frame analysis, and shown the clip to be a fake - see his comments at
Loresa Goodly filed a lawsuit in Lafayette Parish, Louisiana, in November for injuries she incurred just after she had received the Holy Spirit at a tent revival meeting and passed out on the floor. Moments later, another woman received the Holy Spirit and fell on top of Goodly before ushers could catch her, breaking three of Goodly’s ribs.
Baton Rouge Morning Advocate, Nov. 18, 1995
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