Seeing me at SBL
When I've ironed out the last wrinkles, I'll post my SBL schedule here. Until then, it occurred to me that I am likely to meet quite a few blogging friends during my stay in San Diego, but how will you recognise me?
Here's me from the side

Here's me if you're small

Here's me if your tall

Here's me looking through your hotel door spy hole

Here's me after you openly disagreed with any comment I have made

Here's me if you dis Tom Wright

Here's me if you mutter something about my pseudo-scholarship and lame blog

Here's me listening to your paper or response to a paper (1)

Here's me listening to your paper or response to a paper (2)

Here's me listening to your paper or response to a paper (3)

Here's me if you're a fly

Here's me if you're a bat

Here's me if you try communicating with me before I've properly woken up

Here's me if you're Andy Warhol

Chris, I want see you at SBL, but i thought you might be interested to discover another instance of cross-cultural confusion. That sign with the middle finger, which is obviously a pommie form of greeting, is actually a very rude sign in Aus.
Just thought you might want to know.
It's a bit rude here in the States too. But I'm sure in the UK it means "I love Bultmann and he's number one!!!!!"
And please, trim the nose hair... it's a jungle in there. How do you breath?
This is the funniest thing I've read all day ... No, all week. Thanks Chris.
Quite disturbing. BTW, happy birthday!
Too funny!!!
I have some really deep and insightful stuff to say about finger gestures and offense but this doesn't seem the place to do so...
Awesome. This alone almost convinces me to go to SBL. Almost.
Hmmm do I still have time to go to the SBL? Hmmm I don't think so, not a scholar, just an avid reader, but you have indeed inreased my desire to go to the SBL....
Thanks for the half hour laughter spell and Happy Birthday, because where you are it is already 10/19/07
initial reaction: man, you are a funny bastard.
Wow... that's all I can say... wow... :)
Leave it to an Englishman, living in Germany, to not know how to flip the bird correctly...hope when you get here to the states, someone will teach you the correct way to piss people off. Maybe Jim West could teach you, I'm sure a few Evangelicals have properly flipped him off!
You're absolutely hilarious... but be sure and delete this post when you start job searching!
My God, Chris - for a horrible moment there I thought you were John Milbank!
I can see that your wife (?) is very excited (#9) while you are blogging this. That's very encouraging....
happy birthday friend.
Why does Andy Warhol see you as Ricky Gervais?
I'm confused....
Hello Chris,
Nice dye job! That is a dye job isn't it? Can Christians do that? Doesn't the Old Testament say: thou shalt not tattoo your hair?
Hey Chris,
If you scroll up and down the page real fast the pics almost look like a mini motion picture . . .
ok, I'll go back to my studies now.
If you want to remain living, I'd advise you not to flip the bird with such ease in downtown San Diego. Because I want to continue breathing, I think I might get as far away from you as possible if I see you there. However, if you want to meet in a secret, undisclosed, away-from-the-public-eye type of location, I might consider it.
Hilarious comments!
To clear it up - the finger is a sign of warm greetings in Southern Germany. What were you all thinking?
Oh, and thank you all for your kind birthday wishes!
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