Chris VanLandingham interview Part 2 of 3
Chris VanL: After this, your readers posted some comments. Let me respond to a few.
Kevin Davis finds that Matt. 25 agrees with my thesis. He is certainly correct. But Luke's comment to the criminal/brigand is not contradictory to my thesis. Jesus is the judge; he determines who is righteous. Jesus has determined that the brigand's repentance demonstrates his righteousness. What happens in this scene is much like a death-bed conversion—the person has no time to perform good works. Otherwise, Kevin, I don't find it necessary to reconcile one Biblical author with another. Moreover, I don't think Jesus uttered the words in either Matt 25:31-46 or Luke 23:44, but that's another matter, isn't it?
Kevin Bywater: With regard to the Testament of Abraham, this text is pretty clear. The T.Ab. supports my thesis primarily for two reasons: only 1 in 7000 saved at the Last Judgment at 11:12 (A) and judgment according to deeds at 13:9-14 (A),. Even the judgment of the soul with equally balanced righteous and wicked deeds in chapter 12 supports my thesis. Your post doesn't convince me that these texts should be read differently. And, as I state, 14:15 (A), whatever it means, shouldn't supplant the straightforward readings of these three passages.
Labels: VanLandingham
Thank you for the interview, and thank you for responding to readers! If you're inclined to do so again, I'd love to ask a few quick questions:
(1) Where do you think things started to "go wrong," so to speak, in the (mis)interpretation of Paul. Was it 16th cent? Or 2nd?
(2) To pick just one verse, Daniel 9:18 in context would be an interesting one to have your perspective on.
(3) And if you're feeling generous with your typing, your thoughts on Brondos, Paul on the Cross; and M. A. Elliot, Survivors of Israel, and their respective thesis with respect to yours (is that confusing enough), would be appreciated.
Many thanks!
I suppose others will have to decide, but here's my (much longer) response to CV's retort.
Kind regards, Kevin
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