I deny everything
Wright is back in the news, this time here. Note Mike Bird's informative response in the comments. Speaking of the good Bishop, if anyone, in light of my earlier post, found this wee animation to be bordering blasphemous:

I shake my judgmental head solemnly. The things people waste their time on ...
And don’t look at me like that!
*Innocent face*
I really love that spikey star.
You see Chris this is what happens when I respond to your e-mail requests . . . Wow, you may not escape the fires of hell for this one!! ;-)
Marvellous, that put a smile on my face. Of course, what really put a smile on my face today is Amazon sending me an e-mail saying "We thought you would like to know that [Jesus and the eyewitnesses] has been sent..."
Holy Schnike Nuts Batman!
That is messed up. I'm going to have images of sexy NT blowing me kisses all the while I read The Challenge of Jesus today! Thanks a lot!
Pretty sick! Thanks for the link to that article, though.
Well, Wright's theology is rather angelic ... (I like special move #1 best)
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