Friday, September 22, 2006

Pauline Pneumatology reading list

Sometime last week I received an e-mail from a reader of my blog asking me about recommended works concerning Pauline Pneumatology. I could have whipped up a decent list given that my Doktorvater is somewhat of a name in this field, and having ‘cut my teeth’ in charismatic circles it was always a subject that interested me. However, I thought it was a better idea to ask my good friend, Volker Rabens, to write a guest post on this subject as he is about to finish his doctoral work precisely on Pauline Pneumatology (I’m a Christology man, first and foremost).

In the following post Volker Rabens offers you a reading list for the most important works on Pauline pneumatology. He’s a clever cookie, and knows his stuff.

Finally, I want to put one link here. I’m guessing many know about it already but eScholarship Editions have a number of academic biblical and theological books online for free access. One worth noting in particular is Daniel Boyarin’s A Radical Jew: Paul and the Politics of Identity, here for your reading pleasure.


At 9/23/2006 3:02 PM, Blogger One of Freedom said...

I didn't know about eScholarships, sweet resource. I wonder if collecting a list of resources like this is something we could get Patrik to post on his Theology Blogs site.

At 9/24/2006 9:27 PM, Blogger Chris Tilling said...

Good idea to contact Patrik with this


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