Sunday, February 05, 2006

Winds of Worship 3

I’m glad to introduce another song to add to phenomena that is sweeping the internet, and causing to crash. Yes, it's the series everybody is getting excited about: Wind of Worship.

This song was not composed by myself, and so obviously won’t be as anointed, but, being written by none other than Ben Myers of Faith and Theology, is naturally packed with theological punch.

First, two points. i) I feel the hymn manages to sensitively capture the self-serving consumerist-style sort of worship that is so trendy today. Who could want more? (For more of the same, do have a look at this promotional video – and thanks to T.B. Vick for sending me the link) Plus, ii) a nice touch is that it rhymes a bit – I’ll have to think of doing that myself.

Come Holy Spirit, fall afresh on me
Fill me with your power
Satisfy my need
Yes it’s true that Jesus died
But I’m just not satisfied
So come Holy Spirit, fall afresh on me

© B Myers, honourary guest songwriter for CTRVHM, 2006


At 2/06/2006 12:14 AM, Blogger Ben Myers said...

I fear the title "honourary guest songwriter for CTRVHM" means you'll be keeping all the royalties to yourself....

At 2/06/2006 10:55 PM, Blogger Chris Tilling said...

But it all goes to a worthy ministry, so that should be reward enough for you ...

At 2/06/2006 10:58 PM, Anonymous Dan said...

So I've been quietly chuckling over this series but what I really want to know is whether or not the latest post on my blog qualifies as a "Winds of Worship" song. Let me know!

At 2/07/2006 7:41 AM, Blogger Chris Tilling said...

Dan, there is a RUDE WORD in that song.
*shakes head in a condemning fashion*

At 2/08/2006 12:59 AM, Anonymous dan said...

Oh right, sorry about that. I've been listening to too much Pedro the Lion over the last few days. Throw some Radiohead into the mix and I end up writing depressing poems with curse words.



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